This poster layout is a simple chart-type poster that seeks to educate the viewer on the history of the letter A, from it's origins to present.
This large poster was produced for the WVU Symphony's World Music Concert. Click to Learn More.
A website recently designed for West Virginia Universities Housing department. Click to find out more.
WVU's annual Festival of Idea is an event intended to explore our cultures ideas and knowledge. Each year a variety of speakers are invited to lecture on their thoughts and explorations. Click to learn more.
This photo series is one of my particular favorites. Click to read learn more about this project.
This project is a good display of the process I go through with all of my clients. In this instance the project was a catalog of Printmakers from WVU. Click to find out more.
On May 16th 2009, I officially received my Bachelor of Fine Arts, with a concentration in Graphic Design from West Virginia University. To those of you that know me, thanks for all of your support!
It seems that these days with the internet being an expanding world of information, people have aptly begun utilizing the web to share personal and professional infor-
mation, thoughts, and ideas. I find that voicing my opinion can be very productive, and I enjoy hearing others opinions as well, so why not make those thoughts available to the world.
There are a variety of Design issues worthy of being commented on, including: design principles, workplace ethics, experiences as a designer, and the ever changing technolgy Web Designers must keep up with.
Expect to see my blog page very soon, check back frequently, and feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed once my blog is established.
As a Graphic Designer I practice a variety of work within the field. You can see by my portfolio that I am very interested in web design, as well as a variety of print design. I do freelance work, and am always looking for a new opportunity.