Olive Robertson runs through the water at the Boca Chica water hole. Photo taken March 23, 2013, by Bradford Robertson.
Boca Chica
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One of the first things I sought out upon moving to the Florida Keys was the local secrets, where to go that the tourists didn't know to. For someone who works from home, it's easier said than done. Fortunately, getting a dog was really a social ice breaker, trips to the dog park, walks around town and shooting the shit with other dog owners really helped.
We managed to learn about this awesome inlet off of the ocean on Boca Chica Key just a few miles from Key West. This place is beautiful, located a short hike past the end of an old washed out road, the ocean lets in to this shallow watery paradise. The only distractions to be had are the occasional nude sunbathers or iguanas, the only reminders of the 21st century are the occasional jets taking off from the neighboring air station, they seem to come few and far between.

Olive Robertson relaxes in the brush at the Boca Chica water hole. Photo taken March 23, 2013, by Bradford Robertson.

A view of the Atlantic Ocean from the Boca Chica water hole. Photo taken March 23, 2013, by Bradford Robertson.